Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Pinned issues
- 5
PERF: why nlargest is so slower?
#61076 opened by ZGarry - 4
BUG: pd.read_csv() on empty files should give an empty dataframe pd.DataFrame()
#61172 opened by xuancong84 - 1
ENH: Automate reading of data in chunks
#61110 opened by acampove - 2
- 3
BUG: Impossible creation of array with dtype=string
#61155 opened by Maxence1402 - 2
ENH: add destructor to HDFStore
#61169 opened by overjoy - 2
BUG: import pandas 2.2.3 on WSL raises broken support for `numpy.longdouble` dtype warning
#61153 opened by pierre-eliep-met - 2
- 7
- 14
ENH: Support dict to `pd.set_option` for cleaner code
#61093 opened by yasirroni - 3
BUG: fails to plot 2 plots with secondary y axis when index type is PeriodIndex and plot kinds are different
#61161 opened by Ev2geny - 4
ENH: Enable nsmallest/nlargest on object dtype
#61166 opened by Gri72 - 6
ENH: Accept no fields for groupby by
#61160 opened by simonaubertbd - 4
- 3
- 3
BUG: Faulty DatetimeIndex union
#61159 opened by SamRWest - 6
ENH: merge_asof threshold minimum
#61164 opened by Lituchy - 5
- 1
BUG: `datetime64[s]` fails round trip using `.to_parquet` and `read_parquet`
#61165 opened by noahblakesmith - 7
BUG: ``Series.interpolate`` regression in latest Pandas 3.0.0 nightly (method 'linear' behaves like 'index')
#61122 opened by theOehrly - 2
BUG: str.fullmatch behavior is not the same for object dtype and string[pyarrow] dtype
#61072 opened by ptth222 - 0
- 13
ENH: Supporting third-party engines for all `map` and `apply` methods
#61125 opened by datapythonista - 3
BUG: .corr() values significantly higher than 1
#61120 opened by krassowski - 1
DOC: `read_excel` `nrows` parameter reads extra rows when tables are adjacent (no blank row)
#61123 opened by robertutterback - 1
ENH: fillna enhancement with method='nearest'
#61124 opened by mennowitteveen - 6
BUG: astype transforms NA to "NA"
#61141 opened by latot - 3
BUG(?): rolling sum with pyarrow types results in float64 instead of preserving integer type
#61144 opened by MarcoGorelli - 2
DOC: Clarification on Python 3.13 support
#61139 opened by hoodmane - 1
ENH: `DatetimeIndex.set_freq()`
#61094 opened by rwijtvliet - 1
BUG: `DataFrame.from_records()` ignores `columns` with iterator and `nrows=0`
#61140 opened by jlumpe - 2
ENH: Adding some common functionalities
#61133 opened by maddytae - 2
BUG: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects (string vs. object)
#61099 opened by wahsmail - 0
Issue Title Here
#61136 opened by saurav-chakravorty - 0
Issue Title Here
#61135 opened by saurav-chakravorty - 0
Improve the apply/map APIs
#61128 opened by datapythonista - 4
BUG: Sorting fails in specific cases with pandas==2.1.1
#61068 opened by nancy-pm - 2
DEPR: Make `dtype="category"` always imply ordered=False
#61074 opened by mroeschke - 9
BUG: pd.api.types.infer_dtype on scalar input
#61081 opened by gnotisauton - 1
BUG: DataFrame.explode doesn't explode when using pyarrow large list type
#61091 opened by MarcoGorelli - 2
- 6
BUG: sometimes when using ~ and & operators for indexing it evaluated incorrectly
#61052 opened by adamszelestey-se - 2
- 0
ENH: use the option framework to opt-out of auto-alignment
#61075 opened by jxrossel - 1
DOC: Outdated example of DataFrame.mean
#61070 opened by rafael-patronilo - 2
BUG: Inconsistent behaviour of apply with result_type='expand' for functions that can return NaN type values
#61057 opened by finnhacks42 - 3
DOC: Pivot() example call incorrectly used and would give "error: duplicate index"
#61058 opened by mheskett - 3
BUG: invalid result of reindex on columns after unstack with Period data #60980
#61055 opened by Pranav970 - 2
BUG: Ghost Column Generation Bug in .loc[] with Series Column Selector (Pandas 2.2.2)
#61049 opened by Jeevacse07 - 0
Correction: Standardize spelling of "normalize" in codebase
#61047 opened by arthurlw