IRIS Virtual Assitant (IRIS-VA) is the AI brain behind the wizard's curtain at ZEEMZ: The Versipisces Secret. She's taking on COVID19

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IRIS Virtual Assitant (IRIS-VA) is the AI brain behind the wizard's curtain at ZEEMZ: The Versipisces Secret.

IRIS is taking on COVID19. Wanna help her?

To do this, we're building IRIS-med, an AI solution that will allow doctors to receive real time data from patients playing an educational, augmented reality blockchain game. ZEEMZ: Pandemic Patch is only one tiny piece of a much larger puzzle. We can teach people how to handle disasters in a responsible way, while also teaching them digital asset management. The Pandemic Patch proof-of-concept was created for another hackathon, while the ZEEMZ game has been in development for three years. We were getting a Kickstarter campaign together when COVID-19 hit. Prior to Coronavirus, my wife and I wore many hats and were years into learning the technologies used to create the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons 'Verse.

ZEEMZ: The Versipisces Secret is envisioned as a cradle-to-grave educational experience where augmented reality comes from the actions players take being reflected in the game world (and, vice versa). Imagine a community agroforest planted by gamers for gamers, a place where laser-tag takes on a new meaning, and loot drops come with an educational lesson about the tree you found the reward under. Eventually, players making real life purchases could become in-game items that are equippable, tradable, and sellable.

We have a plan to game reality, have you brought your controller?

Zeemz Cover

Background: Moe & Jenn developers of ZEEMZ

To support ourselves while building ZEEMZ, we build websites for small mom & pop businesses. We also cofounded a private animal & climate action charity called RESQ. We're travelers trying to make a difference everywhere we go. We don't have any experience with building AI, nor with building scalable AI solutions. A year ago, Moe played with SnipsAIR, but only recently began reading the docs from WitAI when COVID struck. She has put in a lot of research hours into every aspect of the game economy and is still developing the white paper. The business plan side of ZEEMZ includes 1, 3, and 5 year projections. The legal side includes submitting requests to the SEC and FTC regarding our multiple digital assets as at least one could be considered a security

We gamify life to save the planet. Pandemic Patch is our first attempt to get help from the tech community.

ZEEMZ Team (WIP) needs help in the following areas (Team ReadMes - coming soon):

  1. Stack - frontend, backend, blockchain, and AI
  2. Content - writers, editors, creative story tellers, medical professionals, and teachers
  3. Community - social media, bloggers, medical professionals, parents, gamers
  4. Legal - data privacy (SafeHarbor, GDPR, COPPA, HIPAA), digital assets (IRS, FTC, SEC)
  5. Funding - in-game (purchases, fees), SBA & business lenders, fundraisers, crowd funders, and donations

Link Lists

ZEEMZ: Pandemic Patch submission

ZEEMZ: Pandemic Patch (Devpost Submission): https://devpost.com/software/pandemic-patch-augmented-reality-game
ZEEMZ: Pandemic Patch (WIP Demo)
COVIDathon zeemzPandemic Repo (Github): https://github.com/pushingbhutons/zeemzPandemic

ZEEMZ: The Versipisces Secret


Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons 'Verse

https://pushingbhutons.com (this is not for children, its for people who like Stephen King & Kurt Vonnegut)


Discord: https://discord.gg/cfV9WS
Slack: https://hackingcovid19.slack.com/archives/C010H3J8V8C
COVIDathon Slack: https://hackingcovid19.slack.com/archives/C010H3J8V8C

COVIDathon Resources

COVIDathon Rules: https://covidathon.devpost.com/rules
Tracks: https://covidathon.devpost.com/details/tracks
Featured Track: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xYKvI0Vj2-2dsHEyvToThph5TD0wAFKkcesGmWvC428/edit
COVIDathon Resources: https://covidathon.devpost.com/details/resources
HACKINGCOVID19 (Project Info): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gNdtEHz3rv1BkHEaClp8L9SX9PmAABi0EhKcenRID-s/edit?pli=1
Coronavirus Tech Handbook: https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/home
Google's 1 Billion Words ML-Training: https://github.com/pushingbhutons/1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark
Google BigQuery: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery
Ethereum in BigQuery: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/ethereum-bigquery-public-dataset-smart-contract-analytics

COVIDathon At-Home Actions

(How can we gamify these for future faucets?)

  1. Measuring & Weighing your Child - https://hackingcovid19.slack.com/files/U0100SNB0AG/F011B3PKFEK/measuring_your_child_at_home.pdf.pdf.pdf.pdf
  2. Handbook for COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention Measures (translations) https://hackingcovid19.slack.com/archives/C0101B6DC4D/p1586024027294200