
Offload object detection and ORBSLAM2 simultaneously from android client to servers via multipath.

Primary LanguageC++

Based on ORB_SLAM2, Darknet, SLAM_AR_Android, ORB_SLAM2_with_semantic_label.

Android client offloads Object detection and ORBSLAM2 simultaneously to same/diff server(s), and render both received results.

To be noticed, the code selects paths manually. Please develop your own path selection scheduler based on demand.


  title={Multipath Computation Offloading for Mobile Augmented Reality},
  author={Braud, Tristan and Zhou, Pengyuan and Kangasharju, Jussi and Hui, Pan},
  booktitle={In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2020), Austin USA},

