
implement hybrid astar for reeds-shepp car

Primary LanguageC++


  • this repo is implementation of hybrid-atar-planner for reeds-shepp car, it support to plan drivable path for carlike robot, and take the obstacle avoidance into account.


  • ompl, for computing reeds-shepp path
  • opencv, use it to store map data and visulization
  • glog, use it to logging debug info
  • you can easily remove dependancy from both opencv and glog


  • mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
  • set parameter in map/param.cfg map/map_info.cfg map/car_info.cfg
  • ./hybrid_astar_planner ../map/param.cfg


Difference with original hybrid-astar-planner

  • use direct 2d heuristic instead of holonomic--with-obstacle heuristic, I found it faster to do so.
  • enable analytic expantion all the time not only near the destination.
  • both of above can be modified easily.


  • make it escape dead end faster