- 2
Request: Supply Chain & Sustainability Info
#88 opened by GLStephen - 1
- 0
- 1
Help find the adUnits on the page
#105 opened by pm-harshad-mane - 0
Schain validation tool
#69 opened by patmmccann - 1
Request: Within the Input to a bidder, display TOPICS and ORTB2 object passed to the bidder
#89 opened by pm-harshad-mane - 0
Initially, the plugin displays an incorrect AdUnit Code for some AdUnits, and only after clicking on the AdUnit name does it show the correct one.
#104 opened by modessef1 - 3
extension has blinking configs
#86 opened by Andrii-Pavlenko - 4
Help with Prebid Timing
#99 opened by simplo - 2
Help with Professor Prebid on Site
#100 opened by lewisalee-rea-group - 0
- 1
- 3
- 0
duplicate data for multiple bids
#81 opened by MikeSperone - 0
- 0
seems to be nothing happening with RTD modules
#53 opened by spormeon - 1
Is Tools, adunit info overlay work with video?
#52 opened by spormeon - 6
- 0
Flag PUC latest
#73 opened by patmmccann - 10
Check for non-consented vendor calls
#65 opened by patmmccann - 1
Extension timeout too short
#61 opened by jonasbraga - 3
How to debug extension
#42 opened by oskarcokl - 1
Lodash is being injected to window._
#59 opened by JSzychulec - 6
- 1
additional information from bid request object
#26 opened by patmmccann - 0
Add markup, crid, bid.meta to ad unit pop out
#33 opened by patmmccann - 0
- 3
Missing bidders in the AdUnits tab when setting up multiple adunits with the same code
#55 opened by aanton - 4
- 5
plugin doesn´t work anymore
#43 opened by monschyhh - 2
Support debug currency
#38 opened by bretg - 1
Halt further auctions & refreshes button
#10 opened by patmmccann - 2
- 3
- 5
gam links broken for mcm pubs
#25 opened by patmmccann - 5
Ad gam query id to the overlay
#6 opened by patmmccann - 1
Site styles can still override overlay styles
#18 opened by timothyasp - 1
Professor prebid assumes the site uses GAM which causees console errors if it does not
#20 opened by jsut - 2
Filter Apstag, add debugging kvp
#11 opened by patmmccann - 10
Doesn't find Prebid with different Global
#9 opened by spormeon - 4
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