DNA Sequence Alignmen Application

  • A DNA Sequence is observed to be a String of Character ‘A’ , ‘G’ , ‘C’ and ‘T’ , where each character represents a particular nucleotide.
  • Finding similarities in 2 or more DNA sequences is one of the very important computation in Bioinformatics.
  • Alignment can be used to capture various facts about the sequences aligned, such as common evolutionary descent or common structural functions.
  • If 2 sequences that are aligned, shares a common ancestor, mismatches can be interpreted as point of mutations and gaps – indels (Insertion or deletion).


  • Two DNA Sequence : Seq1 & Seq2 as String
  • Match/ Mismatch Score -Similarity Score as Int -Dissimilarity Score as Int o Gap Score as Int

Goal / Objective / Desired Output

  • To find the Best Alignment between DNA Sequence 1 and DNA Sequence 2 with minimum number of changes to convert one Sequence to Other*.

Sample Input and Output

  • Input : o Sequence 1 : GATTCATACCTG o Sequence 2 : GATCATCAG o Similarity score : +1 o Dissimilarity score : -1 o Gap score : 0
  • Output:
    G A T T C A T _ A C C T G
    G A _ T C A T C A _ _ _ G

Mathematical Formula and Model

  • Brute force Approach to solve this problem is to enumerate all the subsequence of Sequence and comparing it with Subsequence of Sequence 2 after performing similar operation on it and then Selecting the Longest one and then adding ‘_’ to align it .
  • But doing this will increase time complexity :
  • Eg :
  • Step 1: computing Subsequence set
    subS1 = {G, A , T , GA, GT, AT, GAT, GTT, GATT}
    subS2 = {G, A, T, GA, GT, AA, AT, GAT, GAAT}
  • Step 2: comparing and listing common subsequence
    Common = {G , A , T, GA, GT, AT, GAT}
  • Step 3: selecting maximum length subsequence
    maxLengthSubSequence = GAT
  • Step 4: Aligning it by adding ‘ _ ‘S
    S1 : G _ A T T
    S2 : G A A _ T
    OR many different alignments are possible.
  • But this will take exponential time complexity.

Optimised Approach using Dynamic Programing

  • This Problem can be solved in lesser time complexity by using Dynamic Programming.
  • This Sequence Alignment Problem using Dynamic Programming is based on Needleman Wunsch algorithm.
  • Let Sequence 1 be of length i+1 = > Sequence1[0..i]
  • Let Sequence 2 be of length j+1 = > Sequence2[0..j]
  • If gap score = 0, dissimilarity score = -1 and similarity score = 1 => Matrix[i+1,j+1] will have length of longest common subsequence, we have nothing to do with it here. Our interest is to find best Alignment using score.
  • A Score Matrix is constructed of dimension [i+1][j+1]
 Formula/ Approach :
Initialize matrix[0][0] = 0; 
• If index of row (i) = 0 
==> Matrix[0][i] = matrix[0][i-1] + gap score
• If index of row (i) = 0 
==> Matrix[i][0] = matrix[i-1][0] + gap score
• If index of row(i) == index of column (j)
==> Matrix[i][j] = Matrix[i-1][j-1] + Similarity Score //sim score + diagonal element
• If index of row(i) != index of column(j) 
==> Diagonal = Matrix[i-1][j-1] + ( Simalirity score or Dissimalarity Score accordingly) 
==> Left = Matrix[i][i-1] + gap Score 
==> Above = Matrix[i-1][j] + gap Score
==> Matrix[i][j] = Max of(Diagonal,Above,Left)

Sequence Alignment Process Trackbacking

  • A diagonal arrow represents a match or mismatch, so the letter of the column and the letter of the row of the origin cell will align.
  • A horizontal or vertical arrow represents an indel. Horizontal arrows will align a gap ("_") to the letter of the row (the "side" sequence), vertical arrows will align a gap to the letter of the column (the "top" sequence)
  • If there are multiple arrows to choose from, they represent a branching of the alignments. If two or more branches all belong to paths from the bottom right to the top left cell, they are equally viable alignments.

Real-life applications

  • Sequence alignments are useful in bioinformatics for identifying sequence similarity, producing phylogenetic trees, and developing homology models of protein structures.
  • Sequenced RNA, such as expressed sequence tags and fulllength mRNAs, can be aligned to a sequenced genome to find where there are genes and get information about alternative splicing and RNA Editing.
  • Sequence alignment is also a part of genome assembly, where sequences are aligned to find overlap so that contigs (long stretches of sequence) can be formed.
  • The methods used for biological sequence alignment have also found applications in other fields, most notably in natural language processing and in social sciences, where the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is usually referred to as Optimal matching.
  • Techniques that generate the set of elements from which words will be selected in natural-language generation algorithms have borrowed multiple sequence alignment techniques from bioinformatics to produce linguistic versions of computer-generated mathematical proofs.
  • Business and marketing research has also applied multiple sequence alignment techniques in analysing series of purchases over time.