
Cannot Find/Import Interactions module

ZlatomirTodorov opened this issue · 7 comments


I have freshly updated (using pip) to prody2.4.1 in a conda environment.
I would like to use the Interactions() module. However, I cannot follow the tutorial because:
(ipython pylab session and the same happens in jupyter notebook)
----> 1 interactions = Interactions()
NameError: name 'Interactions' is not defined.

When I search prody.proteins there is no module 'interactions' or alike (decided to search there as pointed by:
However, in prody.proteins there is the, this module is listed along InSty onto the Prody home page.

Could you please provide me with instruction on how to import and initialize the Interactions class?

Kind regards,


Do other prody functionalities work?

You're right. interactions is missing from prody/proteins/ in version 2.4.1

Can you do a development install from github instead?

We are still finalising everything with insty and watfinder before making the next release.

Best wishes

Yes, please try the git way and let us know if it works

Best wishes

I didn't know that was an option and I'm sorry it didn't work very well, but I'm glad you got something working in the end.

For future reference, what we usually do is replace pip install -U prody with pip install -Ue . inside the github directory. The e is for editable and the dot is for the current directory, so this means that it creates a link inside your conda directories to the github directory. This allows us to keep updating the code and having the changes reflected automatically.

You can see more information about this and other options at

I'll close the issue for now. Please feel free to open it again if you have a related problem or create a new one for something else.

Best wishes