Continuous distribution of funding to your project contributors and dependencies. Integrated into GitHub Actions
- aconrad@overjetdental
- adur1990
- airportyhAtlanta
- ajithkrishnan
- anirrudh@Quansight
- bibryamDiagrid
- bufferoverflowSiemens
- chrisjsimpson
- colinhacksBun
- cornermanParis, France
- crckmc
- darccio@datadog
- egebalkanGermany
- ericmjl@modernatx
- fdietzeEarth
- GRBurst
- joelsaSystemscape GmbH
- jonnydubowsky@sensecollective, Effector Finance, Rock 'n Renew, Jonny Lives!
- jpzk
- juancarlospaco@supabase
- Kaiser1401Sintef, NTNU
- kgandhi24
- kikass13
- krux02Priceloop
- luciotomysGermany
- MarBol95Germany
- RodBelaFarin
- scoopySHIAachen DE
- sk33wiff
- teoliphantQuansight, OpenTeams
- Thomas-Ebel
- trn84
- UndermoveDodo Pizza
- vs-marco
- yarikopticDartmouth College, @dandi, @Debian, @DataLad, @neurodebian, @PyMVPA, @fail2ban
- ZeipsCode