
Gyro & Acc

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I'm working with Arduino nano 33 iot with an IMU sensor comprises from accelerometer & gyroscope.

My goal is to analyse human gait. I'm already have x,y,z values of 2 sensors.
I'll be glad if you could explain to me what use can I make with this library and if I can use it at all without compass output

I'll be glad if you could explain to me what use can I make with this library

I have to say I'm not an expert in this area and it's not my role to investigate this. However, the original developer of the Magwick algorithm used this for simple gait tracking. See some papers here:

if I can use it at all without compass output

Yes, the compass is optional. You just input the accelerometer and gyroscope details and it will calculate correctly as well. However, because the compass is not available it is likely to drift slowly.