- 1
- 4
- 2
Actions {value} input not implemented?
#9 opened by pvanallen - 1
- 10
Create a graph labels
#11 opened by pvanallen - 5
Current version of xNode causes bug
#12 opened by pvanallen - 6
- 0
- 17
- 1
- 1
Add exposable value nodes
#4 opened by Siccity - 0
Create a way for a condition node to continue to be active after condition is met
#5 opened by pvanallen - 2
Update and test with Unity 2018.3
#2 opened by pvanallen - 0
Add global variables that an action can set, and a condition node can interrogate
#3 opened by pvanallen - 1
All Action nodes are the same
#1 opened by pvanallen