Python library for computer vision labeling tasks. The core functionality is to translate bounding box annotations between different formats-for example, from coco to yolo.
Pinned issues
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- 0
analyze.ShowClassSplits returns empty data frame
#147 opened by tarbaig - 0
ShowClassSplits returning empty dataframe for YoloV5
#143 opened by R-N - 4
- 5
Verbosity or progress bar
#139 opened by R-N - 8
Multiple image extension for YOLOv5 dataset
#26 opened by dnth - 3
- 1
cat_id_index for yolov5 to coco format
#130 opened by sz2three - 1
Crash when converting an image from COCO to YOLO that has no annotation in it
#101 opened by cozeybozey - 1
- 1
yolo class label is unsorted
#129 opened by pizixie - 1
how to edit yolo label with imported txt labels ?
#131 opened by sz2three - 1
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Error when i transform a COCO dataset to a YOLO dataset with segmentation = true and cat_id_index = 0
#107 opened by claudio9russo7 - 5
is CreateML json format supported?
#106 opened by pizixie - 2
- 4
- 20
Is instance segmentation support planned?
#65 opened by Robotatron - 4
YOLOv5 class index starts from 1
#99 opened by ahmadSum1 - 2
Add tqdm to
#93 opened by charitarthchugh - 1
Update Readme examples
#94 opened by charitarthchugh - 6
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- 1
Dataset splitting & negative samples annotation type importer does not work correctly
#89 opened by BigQszak - 5
add in tqdm for progress tracking
#83 opened by geezacoleman - 2
vscode compatibility
#84 opened by jonaden94 - 2
Conversion from coco to YoloV5 fails
#82 opened by mhrahimi - 0
(Question) Is there a way to add predicted annotations to compare to ground truth?
#80 opened by Robotatron - 4
- 5
Issue if image has no bounding boxes
#66 opened by nikitabelooussovbtis - 7
Cannot import PASCAL VOC dataset
#61 opened by emillundh - 1
How to display confidence key in json?
#60 opened by wiseshahab - 3
keep images without annotation
#56 opened by vincentlux - 12
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_ReindexCatIds is broken
#52 opened by thovden - 3
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!_src.empty() in function 'cvtColor'
#34 opened by robmarkcole - 10
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- 1
I am getting an error when using dataset.analyze.classes and the ExportToYoloV5
#23 opened by alexheat - 2
not converting coco to yolo
#21 opened by ashBabu - 2
ExportToCoco() Error
#16 opened by danacity - 7
Category_id exported as string instead of int
#6 opened by ytzeng1 - 2
Example notebook error
#5 opened by robmarkcole