- 5
- 1
Cannot run Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 image
#147 opened by cloudwitch - 2
A few problems with 24.04 and Jetson Orin Nano
#146 opened by shuhaowu - 4
- 19
Error on compiling ubuntu 22.04
#117 opened by nlnen - 7
Unable to locate package cuda-toolkit
#137 opened by ijiki16 - 6
Add support for agx orin board
#113 opened by pythops - 2
- 2
Failed to fetch some packages
#93 opened by dumtux - 5
Error building Jetson Nano 24.04 image
#136 opened by CristianEduardMihai - 0
`sudo unminimize` fails with `trying to overwrite /etc/systemd/sleep.conf which is also in package nvidia-l4t-init`
#134 opened by anticitizn - 3
Minimum image with CUDA support
#132 opened by mpaszkuta - 9
- 1
Support ubuntu 24.04
#129 opened by pythops - 2
use faster alternative to lrzip
#111 opened by pythops - 1
No internet access through domain names
#123 opened by jasonlytehouse - 2
Ebpf module And récent kernel
#124 opened by didlawowo - 2
Enable systemd-timesyncd svc
#119 opened by pythops - 1
Add tegratop to the rootfs
#110 opened by pythops - 6
- 8
Add support for l4t 36.x
#108 opened by pythops - 2
- 7
cp: cannot create regular file '/jetson/jetson.img'
#114 opened by Dviros - 4
Certificated not valid and failed sync by default date doesn't working correctly
#118 opened by mrcmunir - 5
Password is not working
#115 opened by noob502 - 7
apt-uprgade broken systemd dependencies
#97 opened by TheRoam - 6
Error: Unrecognized module SKU
#109 opened by raj-khare - 1
Add support for Jetson Orin Nano
#90 opened by pythops - 1
Add support for jetson-xavier-nx
#105 opened by pythops - 5
Ubuntu 22.04
#96 opened by debloper - 2
- 8
User permissions, rootfs resize errors
#91 opened by eusoubrasileiro - 6
- 6
Manjaro Exec format error
#100 opened by nullx1337 - 2
just build-jetson-rootfs broken.
#99 opened by ByerRA - 1
How to enable lightdm?
#94 opened by dumtux - 6
Update To LT4 32.7.3?
#79 opened by ByerRA - 4
Facing issues with UART
#83 opened by UtkarshVerma - 1
- 3
Latest update is not MacOS friendly - lsblk doesn't exist re:
#87 opened by jmspring - 2
sudo apt update error(nameserver)
#88 opened by bdh1993 - 3
I can't use sudo.
#86 opened by bdh1993 - 3
Use podman instead of Virtualbox
#84 opened by pythops - 0
move from vagrant to qemu
#82 opened by pythops - 3
- 1
Ubuntu 22.04
#80 opened by snppla - 2
- 1
Cannot create rootfs
#77 opened by bui-thanh-lam - 1
Version confusion
#76 opened by vkuehn - 3