MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in Pytorch 1.0 / Pytorch 0.4. Out-of-box support for retraining on Open Images dataset. ONNX and Caffe2 support. Experiment Ideas like CoordConv.
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Re-training SSD-Mobilenet - loss going up and down
#172 opened by Ufosek - 1
input train image background
#166 opened by eltonfernando - 1
how to train ssd mobilenetv2 using negative samples
#195 opened by mepl432 - 0
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Slow Training and High Losses
#194 opened by Sanjay1911 - 2
Why is training so slow and GPU utilization so low?
#150 opened by Evie-0808 - 2
convert_to_caffe2_models.py: RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cpu!
#169 opened by rsamvelyan - 1
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SSDSpec for image size smaller than 300
#171 opened by AmitAilianiSDC - 5
runtime error mobillenet-ssd-v2
#183 opened by DaiGuard - 3
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (12828) must match the size of tensor b (3000) at non-singleton dimension 1
#192 opened by SJavad - 0
#191 opened by ragnarok69-c - 0
Could u add Nesterov momentum in SGD
#190 opened by georgekasa - 0
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'models/mobilenet_v1_with_relu_69_5.pth'
#187 opened by akhra92 - 1
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.5) : -1 : error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'rectangle'
#188 opened by bryanbocao - 4
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run_ssd_example.py box variable type does not mach opencv rectangle and putText functions
#184 opened by yusufcananar - 1
NAN values in Boxes
#181 opened by ishoud - 1
#179 opened by AyaNasser96 - 1
base net for mobilenetv3 ssd
#175 opened by somyajain1712 - 1
Error using run_ssd_live_demo.py
#173 opened by julian998-dot - 0
#177 opened by LUXUS1 - 2
[Question] what these parameters mean?
#174 opened by unanchoi - 0
ssd-mobilenet to tensorrt
#176 opened by carptainhao - 1
SSD-VGG16, Retrain on Open Images Dataset
#138 opened by hoangcuongbk80 - 0
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Dataset for MobileNetV2 SSD-Lite
#164 opened by ashg1910 - 0
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VGG model to ONNX
#162 opened by digs1998 - 3
default boxes' specs for different input size
#156 opened by xmba15 - 0
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validation loss get saturated
#160 opened by amindehnavi - 0
Too much data for some classes in open image
#157 opened by shashwat623 - 1
ONNX/Caffe2 model conversion issue
#136 opened by Ashutosh1995 - 2
NaN Loss
#139 opened by gracecocks - 2
how to turn on nms in run_ssd_batch.py
#149 opened by ynjiun - 0
#155 opened by Lucky2593 - 0
Facing issue on detecting Fenders in atomobile through SSD + MobilenetV2
#151 opened by jaidee-coder007 - 0
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how to run prune_alexnet.py
#152 opened by ynjiun - 2
cannot run run_ssd_example.py on cuda
#147 opened by ynjiun - 0
transfer learning of sq-ssd-lite
#146 opened by ynjiun - 0
cannot deepcopy model
#145 opened by lzwhard - 1
Training not starting...
#144 opened by christnp - 0
there are some quessions in fpn_mobilenetv1_ssd.py or fpn_ssd? when I use it the channels are not link up.
#143 opened by jichaoqun - 0
Pretrained weights for mb3-small-ssd-lite backbone
#142 opened by AnhPC03 - 0
Caffe2 model file exension
#141 opened by rsamvelyan - 0
mobilenetv1_ssd_lite pre-trained model
#137 opened by HKLee2040 - 0