
About the gravity term in EOM task

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Task WbcBase::formulateFloatingBaseEomTask() {
  auto& data = pinocchioInterfaceMeasured_.getData();

  matrix_t s(info_.actuatedDofNum, info_.generalizedCoordinatesNum);
  s.block(0, 0, info_.actuatedDofNum, 6).setZero();
  s.block(0, 6, info_.actuatedDofNum, info_.actuatedDofNum).setIdentity();

  matrix_t a = (matrix_t(info_.generalizedCoordinatesNum, numDecisionVars_) << data.M, -j_.transpose(), -s.transpose()).finished();
  vector_t b = -data.nle;

  return {a, b, matrix_t(), vector_t()};

May I ask why there is no gravity term in the b vector in the EOM task?

  vector_t b = -data.nle - data.g;

data.nle corresponds to concatenation of the Coriolis, centrifugal and gravitational effects.