Handcrafted Neovim setup for the ultimate CLI dev experience.
Here's a video playlist that contains all the video I made related to nvim2k.
- Fully configured LSP: Out of the box LSP and completions, including Copilot (optional)
- Awesome keybindings: Intuitive and well documented keybindings with which-key
- Blazingly fast: Starts up in less than 30ms thanks to extensive lazy loading
- Batteries included: Has all the necessary plugins included out of the box
- Git in there: Powerful git integrations thanks to lazygit, fugitive, gitsigns and more
- Pretty colors: Comes with treesitter and onedark preconfigured with full transparency support
- Goto for notes: Comes with powerful note-taking capabilities, thanks to tdo
- Tmux integration: Works with your tmux configurations out of the box
- Dev tools: Comes with debugging, testing, database and REPL support, pick and choose
- Auto install: All necessary LSPs, Null LS sources, Treesitter Parsers etc. are auto installed
- User module: Configure nvim2k according to your needs by using the
module! - and some more
Most importantly:
Built for extending: nvim2k has a easy to understand config structure that promotes personalization, so go ahead, bring your keybindings, functions and plugins over, and truly make nvim2k: Your Personalized Development Environment!
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
You have installed the latest version of
Python provider is necessary for some operations:
pip install neovim
Some command line tools: fd, ripgrep
To use nvim2k for notes, take a look at tdo.nvim
To install nvim2k
clone the repo and setup the symlink
git clone https://github.com/2kabhishek/nvim2k
On Linux and Mac
ln -sfnv $PWD/nvim2k $HOME/.config/nvim
On Windows Powershell
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim" -Target "$PWD\nvim2k" -Force
Edit files in lua/core for tweaking options, and to add/remove functions and autocmds
To add new plugins add it to the plugins list
For plugin configs you can place them in these folders based on the functionality:
- lang: Plugins related to language features, completions, lsp, debugging etc.
- tools: General purpose tool plugins that aid in the editing experience.
- ui: Cosmetic plugins that make neovim pretty.
If you want to change functionality of a core keybinding, edit core/keymaps
To add new keybindings visit the which-key config
supports a user module where you can store your custom configs, these will always override the default configs, whenever there is a clash.
To use custom configs create the file lua/user/init.lua
, you can structure your configs as you like there.
must be present to load custom configs,require
any custom modules in this file.
module is not part of the repo, you can set up user
module as a separate git repository while continuously receiving nvim2k
By default nvim2k will auto install a set of LSP servers and null-ls sources using mason, if you want to disable it make sure to add the following to your user module.
-- lua/user/init.lua
local user = {
auto_install = true,
return user
To setup and access other user options you can use the get_user_config(key, default)
method in lib.util
Example: local auto_install = require('lib.util').get_user_value('auto_install', true)
I have been using vim/neovim for 7+ years now, I wanted to share my config for everyone to use
- Finding out the right plugins and configs!
- Setting up the initial config structure with lazy loading was tough.
- dots2k — Dev Environment
- nvim2k — Personalized Editor
- sway2k — Desktop Environment
- qute2k — Personalized Browser
- tdo.nvim — note taking system in neovim
- termim.nvim — enhanced neovim terminal
- nerdy.nvim — search nerdfont glyphs from inside neovim
- co-author.nvim — add co authors to your git commits
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