
Swaying Windows in Wayland 🎏🛣

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Swaying Windows in Wayland 🎏🛣

sway2k in action
sway2k in action

My personalized configs for sway window manager, minimalistic in design and optimized for CLI productivity.

✨ Features

  • Optimized for the CLI
  • Comes with integrations for foot, mako, waybar and more
  • Minimalistic UI
  • Optimized for AMOLED displays


⚡ Requirements

  • sway: the window manager
  • foot: waylan terminal emulator
  • rofi: with rofi2k as launcher
  • waybar: adds toolbar support
  • mako: notification daemon
  • grimshot: screenshot support
  • wf-recorder: screen recorder support
  • cliphist: for clipboard management
  • wluma: adaptive brightness support
  • wlsunset: sunset timing support
  • light: for display brightness
  • python: for scripts support
  • qutebrowser: with qute2k as launcher
  • nmtui: network manager cli
  • bluetuith: bluetooth manager cli
  • pulsemixer: audio manager cli
  • bmenu: cli menu for utilities
# Arch
sudo pacman -S sway foot rofi waybar mako grimshot wf-recorder cliphist wluma wlsunset light python

# Debian
sudo apt install sway foot rofi waybar mako grimshot wf-recorder cliphist wluma wlsunset light python

# Fedora
sudo dnf install kvantum lxappearance kanshi calcurse


sway2k uses BWnB as gtk and Kvantum themes, for Firefox it uses Nightblue

Edit theme.conf to customize accordingly.

🚀 Installation

git clone https://github.com/2kabhishek/sway2k
ln -sfnv "$PWD/sway2k" ~/.config/sway
# To setup foot separately
ln -sfnv "$PWD/sway2k/foot" ~/.config/foot
# To setup waybar separately
ln -sfnv "$PWD/sway2k/waybar" ~/.config/waybar

💻 Usage


Default apps and definitions are in definitions.conf

  • Default launcher: rofi, with rofi2k
  • Default browser: qutebrowser, with qute2k
  • Default camera: guvcview
  • Default terminal: foot


All the configured keybindings can be found in the keybinding manual here.

Waybar Modules

Comes with a bunch of customized waybar modules:

  • menu: app launcher
  • clock: with calendar integration
  • weather: powered by wttr.in
  • mode: sway modes
  • wf-recorder: screen recorder integration
  • pacman: package manager integration
  • github: GitHub notifications with gh cli
  • zeit: task tracker integration
  • clipboard: powered by cliphist
  • temperature: cpu temperatures with sensors
  • cpu: cpu usage in percentage
  • memory: shows used ram
  • idle-inhibitor: controls idle screen turning off
  • battery: shows battery usages and warnings
  • sunset: location based gamma correction
  • adaptive-light: brightness control powered by wluma
  • backlight: brightness control
  • playerctl: controls media playback
  • pulseaudio: controls audio devices
  • network: network connections powered by nmtui
  • bluetooth: bluetooth adapter controls
  • dnd: mako dnd integrations
  • tray: system tray integration

Behind The Code

🌈 Inspiration

A spiritual successor to awesome2k.

I have been using awesome wm for a while and wanted to try out wayland, so I jumped in to sway!

💡 Challenges/Learnings

  • Learned about wayland and sway APIs

🧰 Tooling

🔍 More Info

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