- 0
svglite does not encode tabular and proportional numbers correctly (faulty calculation of string widths?)
#175 opened by psoldath - 0
new graphics engine features
#174 opened by trevorld - 0
Scaling problem when some graphs are identical.
#173 opened by ca4wa - 0
Perform rlang style argument checking
#172 opened by hadley - 0
Release svglite 2.1.2
#171 opened by thomasp85 - 0
enhanced 'dev.capabilities()' support
#152 opened by trevorld - 12
- 2
installation from source fails on arm64 if incompatible /usr/local/lib/libpng.dylib exists
#169 opened by kevinushey - 0
- 3
- 0
Upkeep for svglite
#165 opened by thomasp85 - 5
svglite and showtext
#164 opened by Spazio2001 - 5
Feature: Support for '.svg.gz' suffix for SVGZ
#162 opened by Jylpah - 2
- 1
svglite does not produce editable text in all use cases (faceted plots, patchwork)
#159 opened by cycloxslug - 1
`geom_rect` disappears when saving plot
#160 opened by emstruong - 2
Issue when converting plots that have clip-path on Linux to raster images with 2.0
#135 opened by jcubic - 1
SVGLITE GGPLOT images cannot be read downstream by Python SVGLIB SVG2RLG
#153 opened by louis-gallo-cigna - 1
- 2
GGplot transparent svg export issue
#157 opened by jonasfoe - 16
- 0
Link to vignettes on website
#150 opened by hadley - 12
Release svglite 2.1.0
#145 opened by thomasp85 - 0
clang warning: misc-definitions-in-headers
#147 opened by MichaelChirico - 2
Alpha masks treated as luminance masks by certain programs such as Inkscape and Eye of Gnome
#146 opened by trevorld - 5
text missing when opening svg file in illustrator
#124 opened by sqjin - 1
ggplot title is hard to edit by hand in inkscape
#141 opened by ekernf01 - 0
support next GE features
#114 opened by thomasp85 - 1
Ensure leading spaces are rendered in <text> tags
#131 opened by hrbrmstr - 0
- 1
Move `master` branch to `main`
#139 opened by jennybc - 3
Can't install svglite
#138 opened by Axze-rgb - 1
- 0
Release svglite 2.0.0
#129 opened by thomasp85 - 0
xmlns missing in `<svg>` open tag
#132 opened by hrbrmstr - 5
- 26
svglite does not play nice with xts
#126 opened by paessens - 1
Add section for release in the NEWS
#121 opened by cpsievert - 1
Dependency Error in DESCRIPTION binary file
#117 opened by kuzmenkov111 - 1
ETA for next release?
#122 opened by CameronNemo - 0
Hello from httpgd
#125 opened by nx10 - 0
Add scaling argument
#115 opened by thomasp85 - 0
Add webfont import option
#108 opened by thomasp85 - 4
- 1
encode text alignment as css
#107 opened by thomasp85 - 1
- 1
Svgstring not working in an if-else statement
#116 opened by kurpav00 - 0
- 0
- 0
Remove Boost dep. Use C++11 smart pointers
#103 opened by thomasp85