
cannot access dev/ttyACM0: No such a file or directory

Carbord opened this issue · 18 comments

I have been developing the ROS package for AWR1642ES2.0 EVM. However, when run the command "sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0", I encountered the error "cannot access dev/ttyACM0: No such a file or directory". I wonder if you have seen this error before and how to fix it. Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

try the following command to list the ports,
$ ls /dev/*
its usually either /ttyACM0 or /ttyACM1

try the following command to list the ports,
$ ls /dev/*
its usually either /ttyACM0 or /ttyACM1

Thanks a lot. And I would like to ask whether this ROS package for AWR1642ES2.0 EVM can capture 3D point cloud information of the object, since the z-coordinate is always 0 in my experiments. Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

@Carbord Answered this in the other channel...tl;dr: Unfortunately no, 1642 doesnt have an elevation channel, so z would always be 0

I have tried the solution that @RahulKumarBazia has suggested. I cannot find a < dev/ttyACM0> file
Screenshot from 2021-10-23 19-44-59

@jacob-02 Did you ever figure this problem out? I'm having a similar issue. dev/tty/ACM0 does not show up when I use the ls /dev/* command

@jacob-02 got the same issue as you and @mggioffre

Same issue

same issue

I think the issue is that your board isn't even connecting properly or is unrecognised by your system which would lead to the mentioned files not existing. Are you able to flash the board with the demo files using uniflash from the same system?

Did anyone solve this issue yet?

In my case, I connected the board and it was detected by UniFlash so it must have been recognized properly. I was able to flash the board using my binary file successfully, yet still there is no ttyACM0/1 in my /dev folder (neither on my mac OS nor using ubuntu VM)

try the following command to list the ports, $ ls /dev/* its usually either /ttyACM0 or /ttyACM1

In my case it completely skipped ttyACM0 and ttyACM1.
My ports were ttyACM2 and ttyACM3.

I have tried the solution that @RahulKumarBazia has suggested. I cannot find a < dev/ttyACM0> file Screenshot from 2021-10-23 19-44-59

same in my case, did you find a solution?

Actually since I was using VirtualBox, I had to make sure the USB-connected sensor was recognized by the VM by adding it as a device in the settings (also, if you're using Contiki make sure you start the container /after/ connecting the sensors)

Thank you so much, the issue is resolved now

I was working with STM32MP1C-DK2 there it is called with /dev/ttyACM0. But since I switched to another board STM32MP1C-Phytec. My port was /dev/USB0.

To find it in your case try:

  • Start with your device unplugged
  • Open terminal (i suggest in default home/(user)/)
  • Type "ls /dev > device_names.txt" command, to write all the device names currently available to a file.
  • Next, plug in your device to the port
  • I am using vmware and I also had to go to Player/Removable devices/(find your device in my case "RS232-HS") and click to connect
  • To same terminal type "ls /dev | diff - device_names.txt" you will get the differences between the current list of device, and the list after.
  • (maybe there is more simple way to check new device.... let me know)


You can try in another terminal window continuously monitor device with "watch ls /dev/ttyUSB0"

Now we found our device, lets connect:

  • minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Permission denied?
  • sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Welcome to minicom

Hola les comparto la página en donde encontré la solución.
