
ALU module which receives input as headers and payloads from memory or direct operands and decodes them in order to use for arithmetic, bit-wise and shift operations. After this steps, this module returns output using same protocol.

Primary LanguageVerilog

-modify the path in line 5, "call C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\settings32.bat", from start_test.bat to correspond with your Xilinx installation (use "settings64.bat" if you are running the 64bit version); if you followed the Xilinx install tutorial, the default path should work.
-you can change the parameters at the start of the testing module in "tester/tester.v" to see more/less debug output.

-copy your Verilog files in the root of the folder (alu_top.v, alu_regfile.v, alu.v)
-run (double-click) start_test.bat; results will be in "results.txt" and execution log will be in "results.log"
-you can enable the simulator GUI by changing "nogui" to "gui" in line 8 of start_test.bat
-you can run selected tests by removing unwanted ones from the "tests" folder