Coerce Spectra to DataFrame
lgatto opened this issue · 3 comments
lgatto commented
I would like to add the following to the package:
asDataFrame <- function(object, i = seq_along(object),
spectraVars = spectraVariables(object)) {
object <- object[i]
n <- sapply(peaksData(object), nrow)
v <- spectraData(object)[rep(seq_along(object), n), spectraVars]
p <-, peaksData(object))
cbind(p, v)
> library(Spectra)
> sciex <- Spectra(sciex_file, backend = MsBackendMzR())
> asDataFrame(sciex, i = 1:3, spectraVariables(sciex)[1:3])
DataFrame with 3707 rows and 5 columns
mz intensity msLevel rtime acquisitionNum
<numeric> <numeric> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
1 105.043 0 1 0.28 1
2 105.045 412 1 0.28 1
3 105.046 0 1 0.28 1
4 107.055 0 1 0.28 1
5 107.057 412 1 0.28 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
3703 133.984 0 1 0.838 3
3704 133.985 132 1 0.838 3
3705 133.987 0 1 0.838 3
3706 133.989 132 1 0.838 3
3707 133.990 0 1 0.838 3
The goal is of course not to replace Spectra
objects with long tables. It might be a useful intermediate data structure for plotting, and a useful interface with the tidyomics initiative.
jorainer commented
sounds like a good idea - but what would be the advantage of DataFrame
over data.frame
lgatto commented
By default, it returns a DataFrame
because of the spectraData
, but a data.frame
is fine by me, and probably more relevant here, it the idea is to transition to a tidyverse/dplyr/ggplot workflow.
jorainer commented
I'm fine with either DataFrame
or data.frame
- was just curious.