Port this package over to ROS noetic
rickstaa opened this issue · 2 comments
As I use ROS noetic in all my other projects and ROS noetic has full python3 support it would be nice to port this version over to ROS noetic.
Porting the Kinect branch is currently not possible as the openni_launch package has not yet been ported over to Noetic. I use this package for the simulated Kinect camera. As a result, I first have to create a gazebo plugin that works with libfreenect instead of openni to solve this. Closing this issue for now.
The Realsense branch currently is also not ROS Noetic compatible as gqcnn still uses TensorFlow 1.15 and this version does not work with the default python version 3.8 of ubuntu 20.04. I tried creating a python3.7 virtual environment but then I get the problem that the PyKDL module pip installation is broken.