
RISC-V Specifications page is confusing/incorrect?

TommyMurphyTM1234 opened this issue · 7 comments

Apologies if this is not the correct place to log this but I can't see anywhere else to log an issue against this page:

That page says (italicised emphasis is mine):

ISA Specifications (Ratified)

The specifications shown below represent the current, ratified and published releases.

  • Volume 1, Unprivileged Specification version 20240411 [PDF][GitHub]
  • Volume 2, Privileged Specification version 20240411 [PDF][GitHub]

But, for example. the version of Volume 1 linked contains this:

31.1. Introduction

This document is version 1.1-draft of the RISC-V vector extension.

So it contains includes draft and is presumably not fully ratified?

Am I missing something here?

If there is a better way/place to log this issue please let me know as I couldn't fine one.

wmat commented
wmat commented
wmat commented
wmat commented

Just to add one minor point to Bill's explanation - we will also be archiving older versions of the published spec on the Specifications page, but in a way that ensures folks first are pointed at the most current one.