Issue multiple voice commands to Cozmo, and watch him execute all of them sequentially
- a3lemBelgium
- aknvictorPhD. Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
- alexhafnerAppsmode
- bsouth00
- CallumJHaysBrisbane, Australia
- CameronDarragh
- d0ive
- dilleraPhilly
- dshlaiTaipei
- elyselamSeattle, WA
- Ericdodou
- FernandoBoza
- gongkai9
- hensonNanchang, China
- iplusplus42
- ireallydontexist
- jannyg@norsk-tipping
- marcusrbrown
- mkucukaytekin
- mmullen200WaveXR
- nnsenseCambridge, UK
- piliwilliam0306Taiwan
- redbtnSOC, ID
- robbdiMicrosoft Corporation
- rosshaywoodCambridge
- royam0820Codeacademy123
- schylermanningsoftware architect
- shawnblakesleyTwitch
- shawngieseMSc: College of William and Mary
- thiloBerlin
- vanddev
- vuldin@redpanda-data
- wangxuchaoNanjing
- wgoolsbyCharlestown, IN
- whatrocksCruise
- wwj718DynaLab