
Scripts for combined 16S analysis and Rscripts to make figures for conclusions chapter of dissertation

Primary LanguageR

Combined processed data files and Rscripts for oysters collected from all sites in Narragansett Bay.

Code written by Rebecca Stevick, URI-GSO (contact: rjstevick (at) gmail.com)

This repository contains the pre-processed sequencing data and the Rscripts to reproduce the figures in the final chapter of my dissertation. All data used has been previously published/analyzed in other chapters. This repo is mainly to save the R analysis and figure commands.

To cite this work:

Stevick, R. J. (2019). Oyster-Associated Microbial Community Dynamics (Doctoral dissertation, University of Rhode Island). https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/oa_diss/1089/

Map of dissertation study area with experimental sites highlighted:


All adult wild oyster gut samples from 7 sites

  1. Processed data file at Order level: TNC_PJ_V6_Orderdata_edit.xlsx
  2. Processed data file at Phyla level: TNC_PJ_V6_Phyladata_edit.xlsx
  3. Rscript to analyze and produce figures: AllNBay_TNC_PJ_16S_analysis_FigureV2toV5.R

All oyster samples from dissertation, including larval

  1. Processed data file at Phyla level: RWU_TNC_PJ_16S_Phyladata.xlsx
  2. Rscript to analyze and produce figures: Conclusions_RWU_TNC_PJ_16S_analysis_FiguresV6toV8.R