A clean and concise Python implementation of SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)
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pysift uses urlparse
#35 opened by TimotheeWrightFicha - 2
Possible bug with pip instalation
#23 opened by Austral-IV - 4
Trouble getting installed and working
#15 opened by SB2020-eye - 1
FindScaleSpaceExtrema error
#33 opened by SebastianusRadhya - 0
Nothing left
#34 opened by sdalinluo - 2
Question about keypoint.octave
#32 opened by Zhuifeng414 - 1
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Calculation of number of Octaves
#30 opened by Vishnu-2695 - 2
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About alberto98fx's "Error-input array"
#26 opened by YangLwBUAA - 2
Have a problem about the scale of Shape
#25 opened by improgress - 2
Question generateBaseImage()
#24 opened by Austral-IV - 0
Strange results when using on non grayscale images
#22 opened by rafis - 1
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Deprecated implementation
#20 opened by ra0e - 3
question on smooth_histogram
#21 opened by poisonwine - 3
Error - input array
#14 opened by alberto98fx - 1
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#18 opened by wendy127green - 3
How to find the coordinates of the corresponding points among the matching points of two graphs
#16 opened by jcluo1994 - 4
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question about generating img octave
#12 opened by pengbohua - 4
Perspective transform raises error
#11 opened by ChargedMonk - 2
The paten is Expired from today
#10 opened by lingwsh - 3
Two questions about keypoint scale
#6 opened by Doom9234 - 2
How to implement dense sift?
#7 opened by helloMLNNVR - 2
Could I give you question? (num_intervals)
#9 opened by sunwoo76 - 0
Could I give you a question?
#8 opened by sunwoo76 - 1
code indentation corrupted!!
#2 opened by amansheaven - 1
Mistake when calucalate the magnitude and orientation of keypoints' neighbourhoods.
#4 opened by dongxijia - 0
what does template do there
#1 opened by DIVYA-19