
Tools for datasets published by the Oxford Estimation, Search, and Planning research group.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Tools for datasets published by the Oxford Estimation, Search, and Planning research group.



Required to load camera calibrations (https://github.com/ewiger/yamlmatlab).


Plot Vicon trajectories

[vicon_trajectories, vicon_timestamps] = ingest_vicon_data('vicon.csv');

Project Vicon frames into camera images

The draw_axes_on_image.m script shows the basics of how to draw ground-truth frame axes on an RGB image.

path_to_kalibr_calibration = [path_to_dataset '/kalibr_2019_06_14.yaml'];
path_to_manufacturer_calibration = [path_to_dataset '/manufacturer_2019_06_14.yaml'];
path_to_vicon_calibration = [path_to_dataset '/vicon_2019_06_14.yaml'];
path_to_images = [path_to_dataset data_segment];

Calibrate Trajectory and Calclate Errors

The calibrate_vicon_and_vo.m script shows the basics of how an estimated VO trajectory can be calibrated to and compared against a ground-truth egomotion trajectory.