[WACV 2023] Interacting Hand-Object Pose Estimation via Dense Mutual Attention
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Visualize effects of the mutual attention
#13 opened by zy123456123 - 4
how to render_mesh
#12 opened by zy123456123 - 7
Same pretrained checkpoint (HO3D & DexYCB)?
#10 opened by byydzh - 10
hand_verts_new for mode 'train'
#2 opened by taeyunwoo - 1
Different data for DEXYCB test split?
#9 opened by adwardlee - 1
- 1
Can you say a little bit about your
#7 opened by kyxxc - 3
About the training code
#6 opened by kyxxc - 1
Could you pubilic your
#1 opened by M-leng - 2
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Ubantu18.04,Can I run the code
#3 opened by kyxxc - 0
Pretrained checkpoints (HO-3D & DexY)
#4 opened by taeyunwoo