:warning: ARCHIVED :warning: Australian government Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) data client for R
- 7
Alternatives to using BOM for data
#144 opened by adamhsparks - 1
examples should never run on CRAN
#139 opened by adamhsparks - 0
Standardisation within package and v1.0.0
#117 opened by adamhsparks - 27
BOM denying any HTTP requests
#138 opened by adamhsparks - 8
- 3
BoM water online
#96 opened - 4
Access to BOM weather grids?
#126 opened by mbacou - 19
Station list request throws `403: Forbidden`
#137 opened by jimjam-slam - 12
- 2
Install the package in R-studio
#143 opened by fadeh2013 - 7
- 0
Release bomrang 0.7.4
#135 opened by adamhsparks - 3
Simplify URL handling
#131 opened by adamhsparks - 1
Add amoc header info to bulletin data
#97 opened by adamhsparks - 2
- 17
get_historical_weather does not respond
#130 opened by adamhsparks - 6
get_weather_bulletins() fails
#133 opened by adamhsparks - 3
- 5
Fetch 10 minute or hourly data
#118 opened by adamhsparks - 2
- 8
- 4
- 1
`get_historical` returns `Error: Must subset rows with a valid subscript vector.`
#124 opened by njtierney - 2
get_historical() backward compatibility is broken
#123 opened by adamhsparks - 1
get_historical() Function error
#122 opened by hardiksawhney - 10
Error on query no json
#112 opened by rward3182 - 3
Improve test coverage
#115 opened by adamhsparks - 6
Fix failing CRAN checks
#116 opened by adamhsparks - 1
- 1
- 12
get_historical() issues with dplyr in vignette
#110 opened by adamhsparks - 1
Failing CRAN checks
#107 opened by adamhsparks - 1
Incorrect vignette reference?
#108 opened by KyleHaynes - 1
- 1
Add NDVI maps download capabilities?
#94 opened by adamhsparks - 1
Use vcr and webmocker?
#93 opened by adamhsparks - 2
- 8
- 1
- 10
Incorporate static images in vignette
#88 opened by adamhsparks - 11
- 1
get_ag_bulletin fails
#92 opened by adamhsparks - 0
- 13
- 5
Include option to download radar images
#85 opened by deanmarchiori - 2
get_coastal_forecast test failure
#86 opened by deanmarchiori - 1
- 4
Get Latest Radar Images
#82 opened by deanmarchiori - 5
get_historical data
#79 opened by offwinter - 6
Gettting historical wind data
#78 opened by brendo1001