- 1
Find name associated with acceptedUsageKey
#764 opened by MarcRieraDominguez - 0
- 1
update occ_data documentation
#731 opened by jhnwllr - 0
add sql to occ_download_describe
#762 opened by jhnwllr - 3
Search MeasurementOrFact
#761 opened by kguidonimartins - 3
- 1
Provide more details on the difference between "SIMPLE_CSV" and "DWCA" format in help documentation
#758 opened by user3386170 - 1
Incorporate Flatterer for Frictionless DP
#759 opened by CecSve - 5
`occ_download_cached()` finds nothing
#748 opened by UlvHare - 0
- 0
Add support for the GBIF Data Validator API
#755 opened by jhnwllr - 0
add verbatim_extensions as arg
#740 opened by jhnwllr - 0
Continent interpretation
#741 opened by jhnwllr - 2
- 0
Support GBIF SQL downloads
#752 opened by jhnwllr - 1
map_fetch year ranges
#750 opened by jhnwllr - 5
- 0
Should we publish SQL downloads post?
#745 opened by jhnwllr - 0
add ability to download via DOI
#744 opened by jhnwllr - 1
occ_download_get() downloads empty file even though occ_download_meta() shows non null number of records
#742 opened by damianobaldan - 2
Lower and/or upper case during name_backbone
#703 opened by mhesselbarth - 3
lastInterpreted argument of `occ_search()` does not appear to be functioning
#739 opened by mccrea-cobb - 0
Deprecate the "axe" feature in occ_data
#718 opened by jhnwllr - 1
CRAN check fix
#733 opened by jhnwllr - 1
add missing occ_search terms
#698 opened by jhnwllr - 1
Add entry to taxonomic_names vignettes to obtain a more concise list of similar taxa
#732 opened by user3386170 - 16
Download of wrong species list
#705 opened by francescorota93 - 1
support occ_download eraseAfter
#709 opened by jhnwllr - 2
occ_download not returning all possible variables
#734 opened by EcologyElla - 0
add constituentKey to name_lookup
#729 opened by jhnwllr - 0
- 0
- 1
add guidance for reversing WKT winding order
#724 opened by sformel-usgs - 0
Add support for describe download formats
#721 opened by jhnwllr - 0
Add support for speciesProfiles
#702 opened by jhnwllr - 0
Add support for extension downloads
#710 opened by jhnwllr - 0
fix tests associated with new GBIF polygon interpretation
#712 opened by jhnwllr - 1
GitHub actions likely rtools build error
#714 opened by jhnwllr - 0
support gbifid downloads
#711 opened by jhnwllr - 5
Why occ_download return a CSV file contains only one column and different rows?
#708 opened by WDragon101 - 6
- 1
- 1
eleveation Error: Unauthorized (HTTP 401)
#701 opened by MaxCarabus - 0
Examples in the documentation are wrapped in ´if(FALSE){}`, use `@examplesIf` instead
#700 opened by PietrH - 1
Consider adding support for gadm search
#699 opened by jhnwllr - 1
Retrieve dataset information from DOI
#689 opened by damianooldoni - 1
Consider deprecating dataset_suggest()
#694 opened by jhnwllr - 0
add suport for lit_export()
#695 opened by jhnwllr - 0
occ_search multiple facets returns too many facets
#692 opened by jhnwllr - 0
Review and refresh static data files
#690 opened by jhnwllr