A bug in abb_irb1200_5_90_moveit_config/launch/moveit_planning_execution.launch
spy14414 opened this issue · 3 comments
spy14414 commented
The code is:
run the "real robot" interface nodes
include file="$(find abb_irb1200_support)/launch/robot_interface_streaming_irb1200_5_90.launch"
But the file robot_interface_streaming_irb1200_5_90.launch
is not exists in abb_irb1200_support/launch
We should replace it with the following:
include file="$(find abb_irb1200_support)/launch/robot_interface_download_irb1200_5_90.launch"
QAQ Sorry,I don't know how to add a piece of code, so I use the form of text.
gavanderhoorn commented
You're correct. Thanks for reporting.
The 7/0.7 launch file has the same problem:
Could you perhaps submit a PR to fix this?
spy14414 commented
I rarely use this website.So I don't know what I need to do. Sorry, can you teach me or give me a tutorial?
In addition, my English is very poor.I don't know if you can understand what I am talking about.
gavanderhoorn commented
This doesn't seem to have been addressed, so I'll re-open the issue to keep track of it.