
Error : Do not calculate NAO Footprint, no transform possible

AmelieLegeleux opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I am working on Ubuntu 16.04 with Kinetic version of Ros. I have a Nao V6.
When I run a roscore and roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch (with corresponding nao_ip, roscore_ip et network_interface), I have this error : "Do not calculate NAO Footprint, no transform possible". I cannot move the joints of the Nao with this error.

mbusy commented

Hi, indeed that has to be fixed. But it shouldn't prevent you from moving NAO's joints, using the /joint_angles topic (if the joints are stiffed). For instance, that message should move the robot's head:

rostopic pub /joint_angles naoqi_bridge_msgs/JointAnglesWithSpeed "header:
  seq: 0
  stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
  frame_id: ''
joint_names: ['HeadPitch']
joint_angles: [0.2]
speed: 0.2
relative: 0"

Can you try to publish that exact message and get back to me ?

Hi, thank you for your answer !
You're right, I can move the robot with your command.
The error is always there.

mbusy commented


Yep, this error has actually been there for quite some time, it is triggered because of a failing canTransform. It should be investigated, my guess is that it could be linked to the cache_time of the tf2 buffer.

In any case, if you can move the joints of the robot, you shouldn't be impacted!