- 1
- 1
- 6
- 1
Invalidate Pointer Accessed during `isUnsafeToPlan()` calculation of `nav2_theta_planner`
#4464 opened - 0
Dockerfile buid warnings
#4461 opened - 19
Port nav2 systems test to new gazebo
#4455 opened - 4
Docking - Unexpected behavior when trying to dock while already docked or undock while already not docked
#4447 opened - 1
- 1
- 1
NullPtr bug during the `computeVelocityCommands()` calculation of `nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller`
#4438 opened - 4
NullPtr bug during the `getRobotPose()` calculation of `costmap_ros_` in `nav2_controller`
#4437 opened - 5
- 0
Add missing descriptions to package.xml
#4435 opened - 2
- 1
ROS1 leftovers
#4433 opened - 1
NAV2 Doesn't Abort The NAV2 Goal
#4432 opened - 5
Navigation2 for Jazzy
#4428 opened - 10
- 1
- 4
- 8
[Transfered to geometry2] potential bugs perhaps casued by `transformReadyCallback` of `tf2_ros::MessageFilter`
#4414 opened - 1
Rviz tool to get the cost of a costmap cell
#4412 opened - 1
Problem with bt_navigator on Humble
#4410 opened - 4
- 3
- 3
Nav2 Docking: Add Option for Reversing into Dock
#4403 opened - 7
[AMCL] Robot pose's covariance on turns
#4402 opened - 4
- 2
Complete Port to modern Gazebo List
#4399 opened - 2
Issue on Starting up Nav 2
#4396 opened - 1
- 8
test_decorator_speed_controller complains about not finding template specialization (but succeeds)
#4388 opened - 4
revisit nav2_behavior_tree workarounds
#4387 opened - 9
Remove old Gazebo stuff once new gazebo lands
#4386 opened - 10
- 20
MPPI ARM Binaries Issue in RPi4
#4380 opened - 6
- 2
Understand MPPI Critics and parameters
#4376 opened - 1
Changing the params file
#4374 opened - 7
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 5
- 12
- 22
Full footprint collsion distance in MPPI obstacle critic and use of collision_margin_distance.
#4361 opened - 2
Obstacle Position Shift in Map after Loading
#4360 opened - 4
- 5
The lidar point cloud of NAV2 shifted significantly after being stationary for 5 minutes.
#4358 opened - 7