
test_decorator_speed_controller complains about not finding template specialization (but succeeds)

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Just something I saw while testing something else, documenting it

test 25
      Start 25: test_decorator_speed_controller

25: Test command: /usr/bin/python3 "-u" "/opt/ros/rolling/share/ament_cmake_test/cmake/" "/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test_results/nav2_behavior_tree/test_decorator_speed_controller.gtest.xml" "--package-name" "nav2_behavior_tree" "--output-file" "/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/ament_cmake_gtest/test_decorator_speed_controller.txt" "--command" "/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test/plugins/decorator/test_decorator_speed_controller" "--gtest_output=xml:/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test_results/nav2_behavior_tree/test_decorator_speed_controller.gtest.xml"
25: Working Directory: /opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test/plugins/decorator
25: Test timeout computed to be: 60
25: -- invoking following command in '/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test/plugins/decorator':
25:  - /opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test/plugins/decorator/test_decorator_speed_controller --gtest_output=xml:/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test_results/nav2_behavior_tree/test_decorator_speed_controller.gtest.xml
25: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
25: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
25: [----------] 1 test from SpeedControllerTestFixture
25: [WARN] [1717182653.469035623] []: Invalid frame ID "map" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
25: [INFO] [1717182653.569213885] [test_behavior_tree_fixture]: Transforms are available now!
25: [ RUN      ] SpeedControllerTestFixture.test_behavior
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: You (maybe indirectly) called BT::convertFromString() for type [std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> >, std::allocator<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped_<std::allocator<void> > > >], but I can't find the template specialization.
25: [       OK ] SpeedControllerTestFixture.test_behavior (13006 ms)
25: [----------] 1 test from SpeedControllerTestFixture (13006 ms total)
25: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
25: [==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (13121 ms total)
25: [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
25: -- return code 0                  
25: -- inject classname prefix into gtest result file '/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test_results/nav2_behavior_tree/test_decorator_speed_controller.gtest.xml'
25: -- verify result file '/opt/overlay_ws/build/nav2_behavior_tree/test_results/nav2_behavior_tree/test_decorator_speed_controller.gtest.xml'
25/61 Test #25: test_decorator_speed_controller ........................   Passed   13.29 sec

I haven't seen this!

I guess it's missing inline std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> convertFromString(const StringView key) in bt_utils.hpp. Not sure how we want to handle parsing a vector from a string, add another delimiter like - to differentiate between the PoseStamped? Or no new delimiter and just assume that every 9 elements are for a PoseStamped?

I guess it's missing inline std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> convertFromString(const StringView key) in bt_utils.hpp. Not sure how we want to handle parsing a vector from a string, add another delimiter like - to differentiate between the PoseStamped? Or no new delimiter and just assume that every 9 elements are for a PoseStamped?

While adding a inline std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> convertFromString(const StringView key) function does solve the issue, I think that's a fake solution. getInput should be able to handle custom classes afaik. It looks like only an issue with BT::getInputOrBlackboard. In fact I see the issue both with test_decorator_speed_controller, test_goal_updated_controller and test_condition_globally_updated_goal which all use this function/macro.

@facontidavide can we borrow your support here?

@facontidavide do you have any thoughts on this?

getInput should be able to handle custom classes afaik

No, it is not supposed to work magically, I am sorry

I'm not entirely following the conversation here, @tonynajjar what's the ask for Davide on this or what we need to do in Nav2 so we can close this out?

While adding a inline std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> convertFromString(const StringView key) function does solve the issue, I think that's a fake solution.


getInput should be able to handle custom classes afaik.

No, it should not, unless you did implement the template specialization of convertFromString

@tonynajjar can you submit your template specialization for the PoseStamped vector?