
Feature request: option to skip installation of DDS packages

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This is a very useful action step for setting up a workflow that compiles packages in a colcon workspace. Since colcon is a tool that can be used in non-ROS contexts, I wanted to see if there is interest in using this action without installing DDS packages.

cc @stonier

Related Issues


Completion Criteria

Add a parameter for skipping installation of DDS packages.

Implementation Notes / Suggestions

It looks like the logic for installing DDS implementations is intermingled with the logic for installing compilers and development tools in the package_manager/apt.ts file.

DDS-specific lines:

Perhaps the DDS-specific lines could be split into a separate file to more easily enable or disable the DDS packages.

Testing Notes / Suggestions

Test a typical ROS workflow with DDS installed and a workflow without DDS installed and confirm that the setup time is reduced without the extra packages.