
image_transport ideas. h264?

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Hello everyone.
I wonder what are the plans for delivering consumer live stream from the robot.

So I was thinking since it is museum robot project the picture quality be better at least HD for the consumer camera. Teleop can be done via SD or lower quality of cause.

  • Should the HD camera use ROS transport or just push the stream to RTMP server directly and the main web page just will know the live stream URL?
  • Since it is a learning platform we may utilize ROS transport and send live stream via messages. We can use this stream later for NN segmentation and put overlays over paintings etc..

Any plans for the type of camera and implementation of delivering this stream to the user?

Hey @chexov :)
Thank you for raising these questions.
For now we are using which is delivering video stream to web page from ROS messages.
And yes, idea is to utilise ROS transport and apply extra layer later.
Currently we do not have any hardware camera requirements but you are right HD quality for nice view should be considered :)