
Hide the navigation and address bars (go fullscreen)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The web page should occupy full screen size in Chrome, Safari and preferably in Firefox (mobile versions).

iOS Safari and Firefox show 2 additional elements by default: address bar at the top and navigation bar at page bottom.

@AndriyPt, Is this feature no longer needed in Leobot 2 or are you closing it in favour to issue #104?

@MaxZhaloba from what I have seen on demo it was working. So I have closed it.

@AndriyPt, this might or might not work for us, but just to clarify, the current solution has such limitations:

  • Doesn't work on iOS
  • Requires a tap to go fullscreen. There's a chance that we might be able to skip it if we implement the approach with VR API (#104).

@MaxZhaloba so it is working with limitation which is fine to keep it closed. For new VR application we might need something else. So this issue is closed.