- 3
Error: searchParam not implemented
#41 opened by xdaco - 3
Discussion about MongoDB alternative
#40 opened by AlexisTM - 0
[Procedures] Add github PR template
#35 opened by sevenbitbyte - 0
[Procedures] Configure code owners
#38 opened by sevenbitbyte - 0
error handling method call: 'setParam': TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined
#31 opened by HWiese1980 - 0
ensure vapor_master passes all ROSMaster tests
#33 opened by NickZ - 1
ValidationErrors but everything seems to work
#32 opened by rohbotics - 5
Warning: vapor_rosnode validation failed: touched.ipv4: Path `touched.ipv4` is required.
#28 opened by HWiese1980 - 0
Implement integration & unit tests
#23 opened by sevenbitbyte - 2
[Bug] Loading params from yaml via roslaunch and <rosparam> not consistent with roscore
#25 opened by HWiese1980 - 4
- 0
implement class "NodeWatchdog"
#5 opened by NickZ - 0
Debounce logtouch
#8 opened by NickZ - 2
implement caching for parameter model
#4 opened by NickZ - 0
Release readme
#7 opened by NickZ - 1
Support runtime configurabiity
#9 opened by sevenbitbyte - 0
Create user scenarios
#6 opened by NickZ - 0
- 0
use `deleteMany` for db cleaning
#3 opened by sevenbitbyte - 1