a Python package for unbiased estimation of timescales and hypothesis testing
Jupyter NotebookBSD-3-Clause
- a-darcher@mackelab @mormannlab
- AFurryBearFrankfurt
- aka2333
- Apoorva99
- atimcenkoTuebingen, Germany
- dan-morenos
- dengxiangaUPenn & ETH Zurich
- Dingel321Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
- duodenum96
- erikgleeUniversity of Minnesota
- et22
- klyshkoUniversity of Toronto
- morales-gregorioCharles University
- mvaliadisUniversity of Tübingen
- OsripTübingen
- PiotrSokolStony Brook
- pty819
- ryanharvey1Cornell University
- seqasim
- sherr-anChicago, IL
- shervinsafaviMax Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
- terrygm1957
- thejanzimmermannUniversity of Minnesota
- thw1021