- 1
Inconsistent output when using `ZlibEncoder` vs. `ZstdEncoder` for PDF Compression
#446 opened by unkcpz - 9
Compilation error with flate2-ffi
#442 opened by rob-p - 5
zlib-rs and cloudflare_zlib features conflict
#440 opened by fintelia - 4
The build on MacOS is broken for mac with this error: failed to verify the checksum of `flate2 v1.0.34`
#437 opened by beroy - 5
New ISA-L backend?
#433 opened by milesgranger - 2
- 4
- 2
unknown return code: -4
#411 opened by prz23 - 3
No git tag/release for 1.0.31
#417 opened by mmm-8192 - 2
libz-rs backend causes errors and panics
#413 opened by VorpalBlade - 8
- 0
- 1 failed to build flate2-1.0.29
#404 opened by wcampbell0x2a - 8
- 1
why GzDecoder can't read stream correct
#399 opened by jokemanfire - 2
- 5
- 3
- 5
Zlib succes while miniz_oxide fails
#389 opened by catenacyber - 0
- 0
- 0
- 7
Issues with newly created file in read-write mode
#383 opened by deven96 - 2
total_in(&self) / total_out(&self) implementation for GzDecoder / GzEncoder / MultiGzDecoder
#381 opened by fedy-cz - 2
Error on compiling flate2 on rust 1.57.0
#370 opened by vladimirfomene - 2
unsafe review: Potential (not actual) dangling pointers after inflate/deflate
#379 opened by Manishearth - 1
Add method to get current position for GzDecoder
#328 opened by alexnivanov - 3
flate2::bufread::GzDecoder doesn't impl BufRead?
#374 opened by georeth - 1
Integrate with Zopfli
#349 opened by Pr0methean - 9
`GzDecoder` eager reading in the constructor blocks IO
#368 opened by cgbur - 3
flate2 ZLibDecoder reads too much data from files.
#338 opened by kallisti5 - 6
support 'deflate64'?
#365 opened by xudesheng - 2
GzDecoder stops decoding file toward the start.
#339 opened by nschuessler - 2
Partial gzip header breaks decoding
#320 opened by jongiddy - 0
Read encoder examples should use read_to_end
#355 opened by markgoddard - 1
- 2
- 3
Gzip round-trip fails
#357 opened by drtconway - 1
zLib decompressor returns empty result
#353 opened by Phill030 - 0
#352 opened by Phill030 - 0
- 3
basic tar encode + decode failure
#334 opened by verrchu - 4
- 5
- 10
New release
#321 opened by fintelia - 2
- 3
Can't compile zlib-ng feature on M1 Mac
#318 opened by stjepangolemac - 3
GzDecoder "invalid gzip header" ?
#316 opened by gwbres - 2
bgzip files or concatenated gzip files stop deflation after first block, doesn't report error
#315 opened by kisakesenhi - 1