
Blazor Server with Auth0 example

Primary LanguageHTML

Blazor Server with Auth0 - Abridge Version

This document is derived from the original post Securing the application with Auth0.

Latest testing conducted with .NET 7.0

Configuration Steps:

  1. Add the Nuget package Auth0.AspNetCore.Authentication.
  2. Invoke AddAuth0WebAppAuthentication during the set up of ASP.NET Core services (refer to Program.cs).
    • Also include app.UseAuthentication() and app.UseAuthorization().
  3. Add the namespaces Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization to _Imports.razor.
  4. Encapsulate Route component in App.razor with the CascadingAuthenticaitonState component (from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization) to enable underlying components to retrieve the authentication state.
    • Also replace RouteView component to AuthorizeRouteView which enables the handling of both authorized and unauthorized states.

Protect Blazor component

The Blazor framework provides AuthorizeView component to define views for both authorized and unauthorized users. Refer to Index.razor for usage examples.

Logging In/Out with Auth0

The example is configured for the Authorization Code Flow. Some pre-configuration needs to be done on the Auth0 side (such as setting Redirect URIs and Logout URIs -- refer to the original document for guidance). Also, the authorization flow depends on server-to-server communication, thus Razor pages are required to serve that server communication. Consult Login.cshtml and Logout.cshtml for information on how to log in/out using Razor pages.

Prevent Blazor's reconnection message

Since the authentication pages are Razor pages, a "reconnection" message from the Blazor framework may briefly appear during transitions from a Blazor page to these pages. This needs to be manually managed. This example introduces a custom JS script, blazor.example.js, and a wrapper class, JsInterop.cs, to assist in the suppression process. Refer to the Index.razor page for usage.

Access Token

In order to obtain the access token, Auth0 mandates the use of an API Audience. This means you need to set up an API in Auth0 and create an identity for the API's audience. Subsequently, use the WithAccessToken method to specify the audience intended for the token (refer to Program.cs). Be aware that either a ClientSecret or a Client Assertion is required to acquire the token. At least one of these must be configured.

Retrieve the token

Given that the Auth0 library utilizes Razor pages for server-side processing, the tokens are stored in HttpContext. To retrieve tokens, the extension method GetTokenAsync can be invoked to retrieve either the access_token or id_token. Refer to Index.razor for an illustrative example.

Additional Resources