
Blazor server with OIDC configuration to work with Auth0

Primary LanguageHTML

Auth0 with Blazor Server using OpenIdConnect library

This approach mirros that of Blazor Server with Auth0 but it does not utilize Auth0.AspNetCore.Authentication library. By adopting this strategy, the solution gains increased flexibility as it can switch to any OIDC provider, and is not necessarily tied with Auth0 service.

Configuration Steps

  1. Incorporate the Nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.
  2. To configure ASP.NET Authentication, invoke the AddAuthentication, AddCookie, and AddOpenIdConnect methods, and pass the necessary options. For a concrete example, refer to Program.cs.
    • It's important to note that there are two additional classes, Auth0PostConfiguration and Auth0ConfigurationManager, which are specifically implemented for the Auth0 service. Since this service requires the EndSessionEndpoint for proper logout, and as it doesn't expose the endpoint through its standard OIDC configuration, these additional classes serve as a workaround to correctly inject the endpoint into the options.

For the remaining steps, you can refer to the Blazor Server with Auth0 example.

Additional Resources