
Example of Blazor WASM with Auth0

Primary LanguageHTML

Auth0 (or any OIDC) with Blazor WASM standalone


Blazor WASM is different from the server project. There's no Auth0 library for WASM, so the generic OIDC library (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication) is used instead.

Important: Don't forget to set "Application Type" of the Auth0 Application to "Single Page Application" since the Blazor WASM standalone project is an SPA.


  1. Add a Nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication into the project.
    • The package is actually for OIDC/OAuth2 authentication, this case we use Auth0 as an OIDC provider.
  2. Set up OIDC authentication with AddOidcAuthentication and set ProviderOptions. See Program.cs for example.
    • Two important properties are Authority and ClientId. See appsettings.json.
    • Note that Authority is an absolute URL, not just a domain name.
  3. Add an authentication helper page /authentication/{action}, see Authentication.razor.
    • This is the single point to handle all authentication activities. To login, pass login as the action. To logout, pass logout as the action. It's also the endpoint for callback too (/authentication/login-callback).
  4. Add namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization in _Imports.razor
  5. Wrap Route component in App.razor with CascadingAuthenticaitonState component (from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization) to allow underlying compoonents to retrieve authentication state.
    • Also change RouteView component to AuthorizeRouteView which allows handling authorizing state and not-authorized state.

Protect Blazor component

Blazor framework has AuthorizeView component to define views for authorized user and unauthorized user. See the usage in Index.razor.

To Login/Logout with Auth0

Since this example is configured for Authorization Code Flow. Some pre-configuration needs to be done on Auth0 side (setting Redirect URIs and Logout URIs -- see the original document for guidance). However, since WASM is client side, so the authentication is PKCE flow, which is handled by the library. To login/logout, use extension methods NavigateToLogin and NavigateToLogout, see Index.razor about how to login/logout using such methods.

Access Token

In order to obtain the access token, Auth0 mandates the use of an API Audience. This means you need to set up an API in Auth0 and create an identity for the API's audience. Subsequently, assign the audience name into the AdditionalProviderParameters, refer to Program.cs for usage.

Retrieve the token

The OIDC library has IAccessTokenProvider service with method RequestAccessToken for retrieving the access token. However, ID token is not exposed and may need many hooks so this example doesn't include it. See Index.razor on how to get the access token.

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