
Python code to stabalize a video using motion compensation.

Primary LanguageC++

Motion Compensation using Affine warp


The aim of this project is to compensate for the motion in a video. Intutively, we first detect the motion and then apply a transformation that is opposite to the detected motion. The fooling are the steps followed:

  • Detect feature points
  • Track those feature points
  • Estimate motion
  • Apply inverse transformation

I used Lucas-kanade tracter to track the feature points.

Building and running the code

  • Clone the github repository
    git clone https://github.com/sakshikakde/video_motion_compensation.git

  • Go to the repositiory folder cd video_motion_compensation and create a build directory mkdir build. Go to the build directory cd build.

  • Run the following commands to build the project.
    cmake ..

  • The executable will be generated in the build folder. To run the program, use the following command.
    ./VideoStabilization ../dataset/motion_video2.mp4


Original input video

Original video

Motion compensated video


Improvement scope

I am using an affine warp for this example. As it can be seen, the output is a little noisy. It can be improved by using projective transformations.

