Building the mathematical approach of complex robotic systems | Programmed in Python and MATLAB from scratch.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Scripts to work with the mathematical approach of robotics, both for robotic manipulators, and mobile robots.



MATLAB is a tool for the simulations and main mathematical algorithms that involve symbolic complex operations for robotics.



Python is used for different alternatives and programs to directly work with the robotic algorithms (usually programed on top of ROS and Numpy libraries).



This Robot Operating System is great for programming algorithms for industrial robots (must have Ubunty dependencies correctly checked).


Usage ✏️

All projects are really well commented and most of them have specifications and remarks for their purpose and I/O. I will be uploading most of the files, and try to keep it as clean as possible.

Special thanks 🎁

  • Thanks to my professor and friend: Juan Camilo Tejada Orjuela.
  • Thanks to all contributors for the great OpenSource projects that I am using.

Author 🎹

Santiago Garcia Arango.