- 0
- 1
Error while downloading dataset
#31 opened by shiveshc - 0
Multiple/overlapping cell annotations
#30 opened by letizia-morelli - 1
#29 opened by annamykol - 0
Using the model to evaluate
#27 opened by ridsmd - 0
Duplicate images with different IDs in annotations file + Valid and Train set not mutually exclusive
#26 opened by OasisArtisan - 4
Confused on how to use this
#24 opened by ridsmd - 2
Error " cannot open shared object file" when using Docker image
#20 opened by tsh11na - 1
- 3
- 1
Unable to load json file using pycocotools
#23 opened by rosikand - 1
- 7
A few images have incomplete annotations.
#21 opened by ivan-ea - 5
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 4
KeyError when running models
#11 opened by carsen-stringer - 6
conver json to npy
#13 opened by EdwardZhao1991 - 2
- 1
PCA visualization code
#8 opened by gallegi - 10
- 1
- 2
- 4
Why the number of classes is 1?
#7 opened by YHPeter - 5
Strange predictions on training images
#6 opened by csmolnar - 0
Data format
#5 opened by hyalvin - 6
- 2
What is mask_score?
#2 opened - 1
Annotation missing for an image?
#1 opened by sigmoidfroid