- ktap
- agorago
- potion
- lua
- lua-5.0
- lua-vm
- lune: pure Go impl. of Lua VM
- gopher-lua: another go impl. of Lua VM
- shopify's pure-Go Lua impl
- neko
- golightly
- zerovm
- py-byterun
- go-twik
- go-lisp
- go-ssa-interpreter
- embedded go-lisp (kakapo)
- go-rvm
- mini-llvm
- arogue: Go->R REPL
- anko
- golog
- gelo
- carpt
- toycompiler
- grubby
- dyg: dynamic go (built on top of otto)
- asm: jit'ing asm
- gothon: python in go
- goconsole: an interactive go interpreter
- jvm.go: JVM in Go
- bpfjit: JIT for Berkeley Packet Filter
- vident: an interpreter in Go (tuto)
- ark: a compiled systems programming language written in Go using the LLVM framework
- rthornton128/vm: a Go VM for teaching
- zygomys: embedded scripting language for Go
- linenoise
- liner
- gobs/cmd
- go-cui
- termshare
- goline
- python prompt toolkit
- bowery/prompt
- termui: termbox-based tui
- termloop: terminal-based game engine (on top of termbox)
- chzyer/readline: pure-Go readline implementation (MIT)
- gotty: share your terminal as a web-app
- binc
- msgpack
- nanomsg
- drillbit
- capnproto
- go-capnproto
- protobuf
- gobin
- parquet
- c-gob
- ffjson
- goser: serialization benchmarks
- flatbuffers (c++)
- godec
- sereal
- gobdb
- msg: codec generator for msgpack
- serialization benchmarks
- struc: pack/unpack types like encoding/binary
- goavro: pure-Go library (de|en)coding Avro
- xz: pure-Go library for decoding xz streams and files
- compress: SSE-optimized stdlib packages
- cdb
- decompilation for LLVM
- block-based compressor (like pytables?)
- capnproto2 generator for go
- shuffle: a blosc-like shuffling package
- bzip2 enc/dec in Go
- restruct: rich binary (de)serialization
- dmtcp
- criu
- autodock
- docker
- go-docker client
- dockerclient
- docker+openstack
- docker-devenv
- docker-cluster
- docker-cloud
- dockit
- docker-codecube
- nix-docker
- golab
- dbg: a go debugger in go
- godbg: another debugger in go
- ceph+juju
- private docker registry
- docker-gaudi (appliance)
- juju-docker
- boot2docker (go CLI)
- frenzy - vagrant for docker
- kubernets: cluster mgt for containers
- dockersh: shell with/for docker
- gojenkins: manage jenkins jobs
- docker-volumes: manage docker volumes
- dev: overlay docker containers for development
- docker-bastion: ssh access to containers
- docker + jenkins
- go+mesos
- docker + gui/tui apps
- dockerception: dockers building dockers
- images: vm/dkr-images manager
- libretto: create VMs from Go
- ql
- otto (parser for js)
- ragel
- ebnf
- ebnf2y
- ebnfutil
- walkngo
- pigeon: generates parsers from PEG grammar
- decomp: decompile LLVM->Go
- sh: a shell parser and formatter in Go
- neural-go
- neural-nwk
- c/s in real life
- data science
- navier stokes
- go svm, forests
- deep learning
- python MC
- static libs
- .so relocations
- PIC .so
- c-plugins
- ELF map
- go-c-code w/o cgo
- intro to neural nets
- self-describing data formats
- go machine learning
- go linear regr. (zettalm)
- miridius - AI
- distributed computing course
- conway's game of life
- neural network + deep learning
- digital signal processing
- intro to signal processing
- mlgo: machine learning library in go
- or-tools: python linear solver
- data mining book
- go-cool: compiler for cool - coursera compiler lectures
- atlas s/w openmp tuto
- go-algorithms
- linux perf
- goweave: aspect oriented programming in Go
- go-neural
- drago: feed fwd NN
- NN & deep learning book
- super tiny compiler in Go
- req http
- megajson (for the ast generation)
- pipe
- passwd
- tomb
- fatchan
- gobots (robotics)
- gobots (battle game)
- cobra (cli)
- webapp
- uwsgi gccgo plugin
- ipython/go kernel
- go-plugins
- gox (crosscompile)
- go-zappy
- go-snappy
- go-ggplot
- go-kv database
- go tiedot NoSQL db
- go someutils (POSIX-like utils)
- go-shlex
- go-coroutine
- go-shh (proc/sys)
- go-mesos
- go-metrix
- godoc2md
- davecheney/poller: Poll selectable Reader/Writers
- npat-efault/poller: An epoll(7)-based file-descriptor multiplexer.
- wishful (monads)
- ar
- gopark
- goloop
- multitick
- fn
- go-pprof
- go-service
- go-respawn,go-forever
- go-channels (multiplex, tee, pipe channels)
- termbox
- go-expect
- tirion (monitoring)
- tachyon
- logging
- go-im: go IMDb
- go-coprocess
- azul-3d
- go-dsl
- ptrace
- bolt
- mount
- shm
- trace
- oh (shell in go)
- go-update
- go-jit
- go-asm
- gengen: generics generator
- go-mysql (pure go)
- gobot.io
- gosgl: opengpl+gpu
- embd: go for GPIO, RPi, embedded
- occult: go-based MapReduce fwk
- goq: sun-engine like job queue
- keyboard: binding keys to actions
- libchan: channels over the network
- async
- go-update
- go-bindata
- go-runsit
- jobmux: job multiplexer
- goast-viewer
- geno: a generics generator
- go-lzma
- go-stream - inspired from labix/pipe
- edi - an editor, in Go
- daemon - to daemonize a go program
- vitess' sqlparser
- srclib: sourcegraph's code groker
- find unused functions (go-oracle-based)
- impl: generate stubs from an interface
- chidley: xml-to-go-struct generator
- stacko: fetching stack traces
- go-netchan: channels over the network
- cmemory: profiling+tools cgo
- table: interface to sql.DB
- dot: graphviz writer
- gographviz: graphviz writer
- slex: fabric for go
- xsd: generate go-xml structs from a XSD spec
- nex: lexer generating go code
- afero: a FS abstraction
- tmass: tmux session manager
- dotsql: go library for SQL
- sflag: cmd-line struct-based flags
- go-observer: a publish/subscribe library
- ivy: an APL-like calculator
- mailhog: mailer+ui
- vigo: vi in go
- tabler: go-generate structs from SQL schema
- c2go: translate C to Go
- pt: a path tracer
- go datastructures
- gometalinter
- websocketd
- syncthing: file sync
- pong w/ opengl
- go-react-example (js+duktape)
- datagen
- runlocal: run remote commands locally over ssh-x11
- go-package-store: update packages in GOPATH
- bampf: 3D arcade-style game (opengl+openal)
- vu: Virtual Universe
- cc: a C compiler in Go
- lz4: pure-go LZ4 (de)compressor
- cluefs: a FUSE-based fs to monitor I/O
- pry: go REPL
- buffer: composable buffers
- nio: concurrent buffered i/o
- pcgr: PCG random number generator
- ergo: errors with stack+context
- monkey: monkey-patching in go
- llgoi: go interpreter on top of llgo
- gorewrite: AST rewrite
- parallel: OpenMP-like
- shellwords: parse lines as shell words
- shlex: lexing shell-like lines
- killable: actors, pipelines and graph of (killable) goroutines
- freehold: open-source Dropbox-like
- gzran: gzip indexer for random access into compressed files
- tar-split: expose archive/tar TAR raw bytes
- go-rat: tar extension for random access
- pingo: go plugins
- pie: go plugins
- sigil: standalone string processor and interpolator
- go-hardware: directory of hw related libs
- melody: minimalist websocket fwk
- xmlgen
- dupl: source code duplication finder
- gocp: Go concurrency primitives exposed to C/C++
- deputy: wrapper around os/exec.Command
- garbler: generate passwords
- taowm: a tiling X11-window manager in Go
- streamtools: a graphical toolkit to deal with streams of data
- process: bkg+group-leader process mgmt
- llir/llvm: pure Go library to process LLVM IR
- go-outdated: find outdated packages in GOPATH
- xsocket: os/exec over websockets
- check, aligncheck, pahole-like, ...: set of utilities to check Go code
- maligned: tool to detect holes in structs (like pahole)
- gensimd: generate SIMD-ized packages
- xorshift: a fast PRNG
- wm: a terminal based window manager
- readahead
- interfacer: a linter that suggests interface types
- hashicorp/go-plugin: Go plugins over RPC
- go-structlayout: pahole,maligned-like tool to display structs layouts
- depscheck: analyze packages for unwarranted dependencies
- stm: software transactional memory in Go
- gam: Akka actors in Go
- POSIX semaphores in Go
- goit/devices: devices for IoT
- gx: a package management tool
- find: High-precision indoor positioning framework for most wifi-enabled devices
- watson: Go (golang) SDK for IBM Watson services
- katydid: a toolkit for trees
- dataframe
- py-d3
- py-vincent-vega
- go-3d
- go-rand (64b+Mersenne-Twister)
- go-math32
- go+cuda
- go-stats
- go-glpk (linear programming kit)
- go-learn: machine learning library
- zettalm: linear fits
- scimark2 - scientific benchmarks (C/Java)
- arrgh: a Go<->R layer
- tesseradata - deep analysis of large complex data
- libsvm-go: support vector machine in go
- ad: automatic differentiation in go
- ode: ordinary differential equations
- go+montecarlo+concurrency
- blond: c++/python lib for Beam Longitudinal Dynamics code
- geoindex: k-mean clusters
- narray: float64-ndarray
- lp: linear programming (simplex)
- golinear: bindings to liblinear (SVM)
- goml: golang machine learning
- biblexer: a bibTeX lexer in Go
- machine learning libraries in Go
- krisalder/ml: machine learning toolkit
- stevenmiller888/go-mind: machine learning library
- go-polymer
- thrust: UI based on chromium/blink/v8
- seven5
- godesktopgui: a go-html5-webapp example
- gobenchui: a go+html webapp + highcharts.js