
Docker setup failed

parkbj26 opened this issue · 1 comments

I was just following down this,

  1. git clone

  2. cd turtlebot3_behavior_demos

  3. docker compose build

However, at 3, I found the problem that the build failed with the below comments.

The detailed error can be found in the attached image files.

ERROR [overlay 5/6] RUN source /turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash && colcon build --symlink-install


/overlay_ws/src/tb3_autonomy/src/autonomy_node.cpp:12:10: fatal error: behaviortree_cpp/loggers/bt_zmq_publisher.h: No such file or directory



It seems like BehaviorTree.CPP removed their old ZMQ published in BehaviorTree/BehaviorTree.CPP@4c789ea recently, so that breaks the master branch of that library.

For now, I've reverted the BehaviorTree.CPP repo to the 4.0.2 release, before the offending code was deprecated or removed, but the next step is to upgrade the repo to move from Groot to Groot 2. Made #26 to track this.

Can you pull the latest version of this repo once #25 is merged (or that branch itself) and try again?