- 0
Fix julia paths for flashweave environment
#205 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 1
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/datb/miniconda3/envs/micone/lib/python3.8/site-packages/micone/config/configs/datatypes.toml'
#208 opened by papelypluma - 0
Use conda Python api in micone --init
#204 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
NetCoMi installation fails
#203 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
- 0
Create a conda recipe for micone
#194 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
Fix the gg qiime2 classifier artifact
#154 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Fix the SILVA classifier artifact
#159 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Create a log parser to parse select information from mindpipe log files
#166 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
Create a `utils` submodule that creates the `config` file programatically
#197 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
Display all errors at end of run (like pytest)
#202 opened by dileep-kishore - 2
- 0
Migrate to nextflow DSL 2 workflows
#189 opened by dileep-kishore - 2
- 0
- 0
Add project description to pypi deployment
#193 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
Add module for network inference using SPRING
#196 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Update the README
#192 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 0
- 1
Fix schematics and validate methods
#191 opened by dileep-kishore - 2
Should we draw the pipline workflow without graphviz and pygraphviz [#j7049g]
#188 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
Move to github workflows
#187 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
- 0
Implement `clean` subcommand
#155 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Bugs in the pipeline CLI
#172 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Switch off spinners for non-interactive runs
#176 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Fix sparcc environment specification
#175 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 1
Save pipeline
#173 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Fix mLDM environment
#174 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Fix bug in pipenv dependency resolution
#171 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
- 1
Bug in `NetworkGroup._combine_methods`
#170 opened by dileep-kishore - 2
Make Network load big datasets faster
#168 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
Use fdr instead of bh for pvalue correction
#165 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
Factor out the resampling and pvalue calculation step out of sparcc pipeline and into separate pipelines
#164 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 0
Pipeline does not wait for last process
#161 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 0
Pipeline does not wait after resume
#163 opened by dileep-kishore - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
`Params.copy` does not seem to copy location
#152 opened by dileep-kishore - 1
Change output location (name) of process when there are multiple in pipeline
#151 opened by dileep-kishore