
Resource variables used in a global initializer function do not hoist correctly

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Once compiled, code may leave assignments to resource variables in global scope with local variable assignments in global scope


  • Run the following test
// type-legalize-global-with-init.slang
// Confirm that type legalization can handle a global constant
// with a resource type or a type that recursively contains
// resources.
//TEST(compute):COMPARE_COMPUTE: -shaderobj
//TEST_INPUT:ubuffer(data=[0 0 0 0], stride=4):out,name=outputBuffer
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> outputBuffer;

//TEST_INPUT:ubuffer(data=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8], stride=4):name=inputBuffer
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> inputBuffer;

static const RWStructuredBuffer<uint> gBuffer = inputBuffer;

struct Stuff
    __init(RWStructuredBuffer<uint> a1, RWStructuredBuffer<uint> b2)
        a = a1;
        b = b2;

    RWStructuredBuffer<uint> a;
    RWStructuredBuffer<uint> b;

static const Stuff gStuff = Stuff( inputBuffer, inputBuffer );

uint test(uint x)
    return gBuffer[x]
        + gStuff.a[x + 1] * 16
        + gStuff.b[x + 2] * 256;

[numthreads(4, 1, 1)]
void computeMain(uint3 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    let tid = dispatchThreadID.x;
    let inVal = tid;
    let outVal = test(inVal);
    outputBuffer[tid] = outVal;


Current plan to solve issue using IRGlobalConstants:

  1. If our IRGlobalConstant contains a 'ResourceType' or is a 'ResourceType', check the 'value'.
  2. If this 'value' type is an IRCall, process this IRGlobalConstant,
  3. when processing our IRCall do the following:
    • Find the IRReturn (if a Struct type, find the ResourceType'd member), find all uses, find where this value is stored into, legalize using this value


  1. Not dynamic
  2. can break in complex enough scenarios or when users are treating resources as variables.