Access Interface through pointer
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It is possible to access an Interface through a StructuredBuffer, though it is not possible to do this through a pointer.
interface ITest {};
// works
StructuredBuffer<ITest> buffer;
// does not work
[[vk::push_constant]] ITest* pc;
// also does not work
struct MyData {
ITest* ptr;
StructuredBuffer<MyData> data;
There should not really be a big difference between these usecases, so I hope this can be allowed soon.
The following two codes are not same,
// Passes "ITest" not pointer value
StructuredBuffer<ITest> buffer;
struct MyData {
// Passes a pointer value not ITest
ITest* ptr;
StructuredBuffer<MyData> data;
In order to be same, it should be either one of the followings.
StructuredBuffer<ITest*> buffer;
struct MyData {
ITest* ptr;
StructuredBuffer<MyData> data;
StructuredBuffer<ITest> buffer;
struct MyData {
ITest ptr;
StructuredBuffer<MyData> data;
The first case, however, is not supported.
The second case doesn't yield errors for me, although I am not sure if that's what you want to do.
Ok I see. I guess this example was wrong then.
My goal is to be able to access an Interface just via an address.
so something like
struct MyData {
ITest* ptr;
StructuredBuffer<MyData> data;
[[vk::push_constant]] ITest* pc;
I think what you want to do is "Link-time type" described in the Slang User's document.
Or you can also find more details in a new coming document
The reason why I said it is that interface
already does the dynamic dispatching at runtime.
I don't see why you want to have double indirection with an extra pointer.
I don't think so, the main point is really to allow to access a buffer that contains interface implementations through a pointer.
struct Mesh {
// some data
IMaterial* material;
StructuredBuffer<Mesh> meshes;
In this example this would allow to bundle the material with the mesh data
// like so
// instead of
StructuredBuffer<IMaterial> materials;
doing something like this crashes the compiler without any warnings or errors.
struct Input {
Ptr<uint8_t> sensors;
[[vk::push_constant]] Input pc;
float4 vertexMain(uint vid : SV_VertexID, uint iid : SV_InstanceID) : SV_Position
let sensor = Ptr<ISensor>(pc.sensors);
return sensor.splat(float4(1.0))